Week One: Mother Earth imaginization
Program One: Course Description – How can you get the most from my Course? Do not rush though the 42 programs. Give yourself the gift of sufficient time to absorb the content and practice each week’s lessons.
Program Two: What is an imaginization? – A creative visualization designed to release the awesome power of your imagination.
Program Three: Fire from Heaven – The “fire from heaven” aligns your spirit, mind, and body – similar to how magnets line up together. It is an absolute “knowing” that your imaginization is perfect and right for you.
Program Four: Cleanse Mind and Body Exercise – Cleanse mind and body of negative thoughts, feelings and strong emotions with the Cleanse Mind and Body Exercise.
Program Five: Get Ready for Mother Earth imaginization – Experience a practice clip from Mother Earth imaginization.
Program Six: Mother Earth imaginization – Become more grounded and emotionally secure with the Mother Earth imaginization.
Week Two: Let Go of Not Enough imaginization
Program One: Zep Tepi and the Sacred Mystery Schools – Candidate-Initiates emerged from their final initiation in the King’s Chamber inside the Great Pyramid fully realized djedi into the sacred mysteries. Having deeply experienced the bliss of Heaven, the newly minted mystics recognized that only love awaits death of the body.
Program Two: Bu Wzr (Part One) – Journey up the Nile River to visit the four sacred mystery schools at Dashur, Sakkara, Abu Sir, and Abu Ghurob.
Program Three: Bu Wzr (Part Two) – Continue your journey up the Nile River and visit the three sacred mystery schools at Zawyet el Aryan, Giza, and Abu Roash.
Program Four: Sabkhu: Soul Star Place (Part One) – Sabkhu served as a power plant to generate, transform, and transmit piezo-electrical energy to the local community.
Program Five: Get Ready for Let Go of Not Enough imaginization – Experience a practice clip from Let Go of Not Enough imaginization.
Program Six: Let Go of Not Enough imaginization – Let go of your personal version of “not enough” with the Let Go of Not Enough imaginization.
Week Three: Healing Old Wounds imaginization
Program One: What is a Mystic? – Primary meaning is to “initiate” or “give first experience of something”. Fully-initiated djedi who’ve completed my Course will help birth a new world grounded in the kind of love that we all want to receive and so desperately need to give to each other.
Program Two: Cosmology and Law of One – In the sacred mystery schools, cosmic harmony was the model for earthly harmony. Ascension to higher densities of consciousness was the highest of ideals to strive for. All science was incorporated into the highest exaltation of knowledge… the Law of One.
Program Three: Key Symbols of the Sacred Mystery Schools – The “Ka” or personality, the “Ba” or soul, and the “Aumakhua” or Higher Self outside of the body form the spiritual trinity of each human being. The imaginizations, studies and dream work performed by Candidate-Initiates focused upon uniting the “Ba” and “Ka” with the “Aumakhua” and, thus, attaining Oneness.
Program Four: Get Ready for Healing Old Wounds imaginization/Part One – There comes a time in each person’s life when they’re finally willing to deal with whatever stands in their way to achieving their ideal life and being happy. If that time has arrived for you, the first step may be to heal the wounded part of yourself.
Program Five: Get Ready for Healing Old Wounds imaginization/Part Two – Experience a practice clip from Healing Old Wounds imaginization.
Program Six: Healing Old Wounds imaginization – Heal old wounds and your inner child with Healing Old Wounds imaginization.
Week Four: Living in Truth imaginization
Program One: A Gift of Love (Part One) – Introduction of Pharaoh Akhenaten, the creator of the spiritual practice of Ankh en Maat or “living in truth”.
Program Two: A Gift of Love (Part Two) – Akhenaten devoted his life to purifying a way of life he believed had strayed far from its true course through practice of his spiritual philosophy of “living in truth”, echoes of which birthed Christianity, Judaism, and Islam over a thousand years after his time.
Program Three: Winning the Game of Life – Gaze into a mirror. See the One. Look at the other-self. See the One. Consider actions you created today. Was service to other-selves freely given? Service to other-selves frees you from the illusion of the separate self and awakens you to the truth that lies within.
Program Four: Love and the Heart Chakra – In the heart, you will find the key that unlocks the eternal mystery of love. Love can take you beyond your karma, your deepest insecurities, your expectations, and your ego.
Program Five: Get Ready for Living in Truth imaginization – Experience a practice clip from Living in Truth imaginization.
Program Six: Living in Truth imaginization – Rejuvenate your loving energy with the Living in Truth imaginization.
Week Five: Meet Your Higher Self imaginization
Program One: Meet Your Higher Self (Part One) – All of the wisdom and all of the knowledge you will ever need is available to you through your Higher Self.
Program Two: Meet Your Higher Self (Part Two) – Connect to this higher wisdom and knowledge by getting to know your Higher Self. It is the higher, more loving part of you which often comes in the form of a person or being that you can talk to and relate to as a wise and loving friend.
Program Three: Program Your Dreams – Metaphysically, dreams are opportunities presented to you by the higher, more loving part of yourself. Learning how to program your dream state can help you identify and eliminate old ways of doing and being that no longer work for you.
Program Four: Thoughts Are Things – Thoughts when spoken out loud create karmic debt.
Program Five: Get Ready for Meet Your Higher Self imaginization – Experience a practice clip from Meet Your Higher Self imaginization.
Program Six: Meet Your Higher Self imaginization – Meet your best friend with the Meet Your Higher Self imaginization.
Week Six: Create Your Personal imagiNIZATION
Program One: Create Your Personal imaginization – Create your own personal imaginization to let go of deeply embedded beliefs that prevent you from manifesting more love, satisfying relationships, a rewarding career, good health, prosperity, inner peace and harmony, anything your heart desires.”
Program Two: Practice Creating Your Personal imaginization – Practice your personal imaginization at night just before sleeping or in the morning just after awakening because at those times the mind and body are often already deeply relaxed and receptive.
Program Three: Fire from Heaven Recap – The influx of love/light or “fire from heaven” from your Higher Self’s greater wisdom and loving guidance is necessary to complete your personal imaginization before releasing it to the universe for action.
Program Four: Get Ready for Create Your Personal imaginization (Part One) – “Plot” out a dozen or so key visuals that realize your goal. Then, using those same visuals, create your “mental movie” over and over again until it feels exactly right and it’s about twenty minutes in length.
Program Five: Get Ready for Create Your Personal imaginization (Part Two) – Create your personal imaginization during twenty minutes of an extended “free flow” of our Total Mind Audio Technology in between the nine minute “induction process” and three minute “wide awake process”.
Program Six: Create Your Personal imaginization – As Dr. Tom writes in Unity Magazine, “You can’t just think happy thoughts and expect Tinker Bell to sprinkle you with pixie dust to overcome life’s obstacles.” Creating your personal imaginization is not something inborn and instinctive, but a set of skills you must master.
Week Seven: Opening the Way imaginization
Program One: Opening the Way – In the climax of my Course, you will experience a profound mystical journey using a technique I call the “Opening the Way”.
Program Two: Sabkhu: Soul Star Place (Part Two) – Back in Week Two, we introduced the theory that the Great Pyramid served as a power plant to generate and transmit piezo-electrical energy to the local community. In this program, we shall support the theory that the djedi named the Great Pyramid, Sabkhu, the “Soul Star Place”, because, in Sabkhu, they could astral travel across the galaxy.
Program Three: Get Ready for Opening the Way imaginization (Part One) – Each of your chakras is energized one-by-one until your Ka is positively scintillating with energy. Your Crown Chakra opens to welcome in the undiluted divine love-light of the Infinite Creator which is channeled down your nadi or “royal road” next to the spine. Your store-house of personal love-light or kundalini energy sleeping at the base of the spine is awakened and released.
Program Four: Get Ready for Opening the Way imaginization (Part Two) – The mixture of undiluted divine love-light and personal love-light surges up the nadi into the highest energy centers. The immortal sahu is birthed and escapes out of the body through the Crown Chakra.
Program Five: Sacred Wisdom of Isis – Practice the “Opening the Way” simultaneously with a partner.
Program Six: Opening the Way imaginization – You may think of the “Opening the Way” as a journey into the sacred mysteries, a temporary release from the chaos of our world, and a glimpse of timelessness between Heaven and Earth.
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“There is nothing my mind can conceive, my heart can believe, my eyes can see and my soul can visualize that I cannot do. Even if the whole world says I can’t, it’s just a matter of time and I will get it done.”
… Dr. Bien Sufficient