Q: What journey will Seekers go through if they sign up for the Secrets of the Egyptian Mystics: Online Course?
A: The old Egyptian mystics or djedi made famous in the Star Wars Movies possessed secret knowledge about releasing the awesome power of the imagination. That secret knowledge was only made available to Candidate-Initiates into the sacred mysteries who passed seven progressively more difficult initiations and achieved a new birth, a turning away forever from past ideals, and past actions. Over 3500 years in the making, my Secrets of the Egyptian Mystics: Online Course reveals this secret knowledge over seven weeks in forty-two programs.
Q: What are the Goals of your Course?
A: The primary goal is for you to become as a djedi by learning how to release the awesome power of your imagination. Other goals are to supercharge your meditation and prayer practice. Align body and soul with your Higher Self. Discover that you’re truly so much more than your physical body. Experience a profound mystical journey. And make the Law of Attraction begin to work for you so that you can create whatever you truly want – love, satisfying relationships, rewarding career, health, and prosperity. On global level, my aim is to make relevant the secret knowledge revealed in the Course for today’s modern audiences, to present them as ethical options in our time, and to assist in the restoration of a truth-grounded world for us all.
Q: How can Seekers get the most from the Course?
A: You should not rush though the programs or imaginizations. My Course has been offered with seven weeks of content on purpose so that you have ample to time to absorb the content and practice each week’s lessons.
Q: What does the Course cost?
A: $67 in total. If you’re not completely satisfied, I will give you 100% of your money back. To get a refund, contact me within 15 days of purchase.
Q: How many years have you spent learning what you teach in this Course?
A: I’ve devoted much of my life to discovering and understanding the secret knowledge the old Egyptian mystics. I’m a graduate of the world famous Monroe Institute in Faber, Virginia which focuses on personal experience of higher states of consciousness including the out-of-body experience. I am initiated into Kriya Yoga through the Self-Realization Fellowship in Los Angeles and I’ve completed both the Foundation and Self-Mastery spiritual programs offered by Agape International Spiritual Center in Los Angeles.
Q: How do you define “spirituality”?
A: Spirituality is a personal, individually defined way of connecting with the One, Source, Spirit, or an all-loving divine energy that is within everyone and everything. I aspire to help you discover a spiritual connection that fits you and supports your power. Perhaps your definition of spirituality involves religion; perhaps it involves a sacred practice; perhaps you don’t know yet. All are welcome to experience my Course no matter where they are on their spiritual journey.
Q: What places in your spiritual journey have most impacted you?
A: Toning in the Great Pyramid. Research in the British Library in London and the Krishnamurti Foundation Library in Alresford, England. Experiencing an out-of-the-body-experience at Lake Miranon nearby the Monroe Institute. Meditating at each of the seven major energy centers along the Nile River.
Q: In what ways were you attracted to Egypt growing up?
A: Loved pictures of the Giza Pyramids as a very young child. I remember riding my bike to the Hilltop Library and discovering a picture book on scarabs that when I touched them they seemed so real to me.
Q: When did you first go to Egypt?
A: I traveled to Egypt maybe thirty times during the ten years I lived in Paris, London, and just outside Dublin. Flights to Cairo from London were only five hours long so I could catch a Friday late afternoon flight out of Gatwick or Stanstead and eat a late dinner in Cairo.
Q: How did you meet Dr. Hakim?
A: Through the School of Oriental and African Studies at University of London. I was referred to a professor of philosophy at American University of Cairo who introduced me to Dr. Hakim. Hakim, as he preferred to be called, claimed to be a sedj’dee or “expert in rejuvenation” and an indigenous wisdom-keeper of the mystical teachings of Zep Tepi (The First Time). Raised literally at the foot of the Sphinx and the Giza Plateau, Hakim had degrees in both Egyptology and archaeology together with over fifty years of professional field experience on digs all over Egypt. Hakim often suggested where I should go and what to look for on my trips to Egypt. I began to see him as a good friend who enabled me to find out more about myself. A true mentor.
Q: What was the process working with Hakim?
A: I wouldn’t characterize our relationship as a teacher to his student, rather, Hakim was much more like a tour guide. He’d suggest a horseback expedition to the Wadi, a car and camel journey to Pharaoh Akhenaten’s capital city of Akhetaten, or a flight to Luxor and boat trip up the Nile River to Aswan and Elephantine Island. Often, if he was available, before returning to London or Ireland, I would visit with him in his home in Naslet el Semman, in the shadow of the Sphinx and Great Pyramid, and discuss the experiences I had on that particular trip.
Q: Why did Hakim help you?
A: Because Hakim could see that I was obsessed with the secret knowledge of the old Egyptian mystics and shared his vision to make relevant this secret knowledge for today’s modern audiences.
Q: Why did Hakim and the other sedj’dee choose to remain anonymous?
A: What Hakim and the sedj’dee believe is heresy in what is today a repressive Islamic society. Most of the sedj’dee that I’ve been introduced to “pass” as Coptic Christians who are barely tolerated in today’s Egyptian society.
Q: What were some of the adventures you experienced or locations you visited that inspired you?
A: I cruised on the five star Nile Goddess up the Nile River from Luxor to Aswan with stops in Esna, Edfu, Kom Ombo, Philae Island, and Aswan/Elephantine. Rode on horseback to the Baharia Oasis to see the famous Golden Mummies. Enjoyed a fantastic hot springs and some great hiking. Camped out and ate kusheri and lamb shank cooked over open fire by our guide, Fekri. Journeyed by land rover from Cairo through the Sinai Peninsula to the Wadi Maghera. Wadi Maghera was an active mining area over four thousand years ago and is well-known for ancient inscriptions carved into its rocky slopes left by the copper and turquoise miners.
Q: What is “Sabkhu: Soul Star Place”?
A: My Course offers compelling evidence that the Great Pyramid of Giza or what the Egyptian mystics called “Sabkhu: Soul Star Place” may have been a power plant to generate, transform, and transmit piezo-electrical energy, a house of initiation for candidate-initiates, and, possibly, a star gate for the avatar priests of Zep Tepi to astral travel across the galaxy and commune with higher mind-body-spirit complexes in the constellation of Orion.
Q: What is the meaning of the famous ankh?
The ankh or “key of life” symbolizes the promise of ascension to higher densities of life. The ankh symbolizes the sexual union between a woman (the looped oval of Isis) and a man (the cross of Osiris) required for life to exist on Earth. The ankh also symbolizes the divine marriage of spirit, mind, and body within each man and woman. The shen looped oval without beginning or end represents both the eternal Infinite Creator and our connection to higher consciousness through the awesome power of the human imagination. The cross represents the human body and the shen knot at the juncture of the loop oval and cross indicates the location of the holy “Breath of Horus”, the way to still the mind and body long enough to briefly taste immortality and enter timelessness, the union of Heaven and Earth.
Q: Who was Akhenaten and why is he so relevant today?
A: Pharaoh Akhenaten dreamed of a world where everyone lived in peace, were equal under the law, and freely offered service to one another and to their country. Akhenaten was a man with a mission; of rare intelligence and deep perception, with great sensitivity and a gift for words, and possessing an intense desire for universal peace and understanding. He revived the ancient wisdom of Zep Tepi through practice of a spiritual philosophy he called ankh en maat or “living in truth”, echoes of which birthed Christianity, Judaism, and Islam over a thousand years after his time. In just seventeen short years, Akhenaten created the world’s first monotheistic state and built a political/religious/economical society where the Law of One was practiced widely and each individual was encouraged to (1) seek out ways to grow the mind and spirit (2) practice justice and oppose injustice; (3) choose right relationships and gladly perform service in context of state and community and; (4) live in peace and joyful harmony within the ordered whole.
Freud once wrote, “The great man influences his contemporaries through his personality and through the idea for which he stands.” Akhenaten stood for a great idea. Akhenaten offered the world a creed of simplicity and purity. Truth, justice, and order were the highest of ideals for all mankind to strive for and, through his spiritual practice of Living in Truth, you can find peace and harmony and divinity as an individual, give something back to your community and nation, and live according to cosmic law and proper order.
Q: How can a seeker practice Akhenaten’s Living in Truth?
A: As Pharaoh of Egypt, Akhenaten always signed his name followed by the phrase ankh en maat which translates as “he who lives in truth”. The root word of maat is maa meaning “to observe” or “to examine”, therefore, maat can be translated as “that which has been perceived or examined”. Akhenaten used the phrase ankh en maat to inspire you to live a thoroughly examined life ever conscious of your perceptions and beliefs and the illusion of the separate Self. OK, so how do you live a thoroughly examined life? Contemplate your motives for giving love. Do you personally stand to gain something from that giving? If so, it contaminates the opportunity to live in truth. For example, if you give a gift to your lover, do you expect to receive extra affection in return? When you conditionally give something away — even under the guise of love — in order to get something back, you have lost any opportunity for growth. Akhenaten believed that you must focus your attention on the spiritual love/light or word of God that appears as intuition and act on this intuition expressing loving words and peaceful action towards the others. Think of your real self as a faucet and unselfish love is like the water pouring out of your faucet. Let unselfish love flow freely knowing that your reservoir will always be replenished in kind.
Q: What famous thoughts or sayings are attributed to Akhenaten?
A: Pharaoh Akhenaten’s words speak the truth to you today even after thousands of years. “I have made no deceptions. I have told no lies.” There can be no more “gray areas” for you or me. We cannot and will not knowingly harm anyone ever again. “What my heart hated I did not do.” We cannot and will not waste any more time and effort doing something that, in our hearts, we know is wrong for us. “I am One with the invisible God that created me.” We recognize that our mind is the God-given tool we use to create the experiences we need to experience in this world. “I will live for millions of years in this truth.” We will serve those in need, love wastefully, and have the courage to live in truth.
Q: Tell me about your personal health journey?
A: As narrator of this Course, I must apologize for the quality of my voice. In December of 2019, I was in a terrible car accident and barely survived. While in intensive care, I was diagnosed with stage three throat cancer. Basically, I’m lucky to be alive. Without a doubt, my accident and my cancer served as a “wake up call” to buckle down and complete the Secrets of the Egyptian Mystics: On-line Course.
If you’re not completely satisfied, I will give you 100% of your money back.
To get a refund, contact me within 15 days of purchase.

“If you can dream it, think about it, visualize it, then you can manifest it.”
… Debasish Mridha